Gary Vaynerchuk.

If it’s a name you don’t know now, you’ll surely know it by 2030, when he buys the New York Jets. Or you’ll visit the wine library and wonder who the mastermind is behind one of the world’s most impressive catalogue of wines. Or you’ll happen to stumble across his Instagram feed or YouTube channel and be curious about the guy who’s a sharp shootin’, high rollin’, kick-ass businessman.

If you can get past the f-bombs, you’ll find Gary Vee (as he is dubbed) motivating and captivating. He’s a no-nonsense dude, and he’ll remind you exactly how much money he’s leaving on the table by talking to you for an hour.

He answers questions in his YouTube videos that run the gamut from relationships (professional and personal) to business decisions to investment decisions. He seems to know something about everything, and his advice is applicable to millennials but seems to be grounded in timeless wisdom.

What is perhaps most notable about Gary Vee is his work ethic. He works 19 hour days, travels across the globe to speak and check on his marketing agencies, and maintains ownership of companies across multiple industries. He doesn’t believe in being a slacker, and before you try and tell him you’ve done “everything you can” to make your major lifestyle change, he’ll ask you why you’re not doing more. His lifestyle and mentality are admirable, even if a little impractical, but his final products are nothing short of spectacular.

Gary Vaynerchuck makes things happen. Watch his videos and you’ll wonder why you’ve been wasting your time in an unfulfilling job or sitting in a cubicle waiting for something to happen to you.

The next time you’re unmotivated, uninspired, or just plain bored, watch an episode of AskGaryVee on his YouTube channel. He’ll set you straight.

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