What’s Involved with Sampling?

Added Value

80/20 Agency focuses on giving your customers extra value. When a customer has a great first impression, like a free sample, it’s much easier to convert them to a long time follower.


Once customers have a sample and are fans of your brand, we focus on converting them into full time buyers

Selecting the Crowd

We like to ensure that the people we are sampling to, falls in line with your company’s target audience. We want to get max value out of our sampling.

Sampling for Your Customers

While sampling works, strategic sampling is smarter. You probably wouldn’t want a free spoonful of Vanilla ice cream when you could have Chocolate Chip Cookie Swirl instead.

We convert tryers into buyers by distributing samples to your target audience with enthusiasm and your branded vibe. We believe that sampling should be an experience, not a transaction. It should hook potential buyers on your product.

This mini event should surprise and delight prospective consumers, creating an unexpected and sincere moment of appreciation. This positive energy establishes a deeper connection, impact, and moment with your brand, which ultimately maximizes conversions.

By honing in on the moment that a potential buyer samples your product, we will help your consumers feel important and engaged with the opportunities your company will provide them with.

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